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Proofpoint, Inc.

What is SPF and how to check an SPF record

Situation What is a SPF record and how can I check my record is correct?
Solution Brief summary of HOW they will do it and/or what you will tell/show them.


What is SPF?

The Sender Policy Framework (SPF) is an email-authentication technique which is used to prevent spammers from sending messages on behalf of your domain. With SPF an organisation can publish authorized mail servers. Together with the DMARC related information, this gives the receiver (or receiving systems) information on how trustworthy the origin of an email is. SPF is, just like DMARC, an email authentication technique that uses DNS (Domain Name Service). This gives you, as an email sender, the ability to specify which email servers are permitted to send email on behalf of your domain.

What SPF Record should I be using?

You can find what SPF you should be using at the following: Click to open in new browser window Connection Details

How Can I check my SPF Record

There are a number of websites available to check if your SPF record is correct. These will also allow you to check if a sending IP is part of your SPF record.

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