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Proofpoint, Inc.

Resetting Encryption Portal Password

  • You log into a page from an Enterprise customer at a custom page and cannot recall your password.
  • You are linked to from an Essentials customer and cannot recall your password.

Your credentials for our secure mail portal are specific to you. Make sure that after you register your account, you know how to get a new password when needed. This article tells you how to:

  1. Register your account
  2. Proofpoint Protection Services password reset
  3. Proofpoint Essentials password reset.


Proofpoint offers two separate encryption services: 

  • Proofpoint Protection Services (PPS) - service for enterprise customers.
  • Proofpoint Essentials (PPE) -  service for small to medium business customers.

Registering your account

It is very important to register your account. This is the first step in doing anything with our secure mail portal. Without registering into our cloud system, you will be unable to access the encrypted message.

Recipient Address

Encrypted messages are specific to the email it was sent to, i.e. Recipient Address. If the message was sent to a distribution group, the group email address needs to be registered.

If an account is not asked to register, it may not have been sent an encrypted email, or may have been registered already. They can try to perform a password reset.

  1. In the notification message received, click the link.
  2. Enter the appropriate information in the following fields:
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Password
    • Confirm Password
    • Phone number (PPS only)
  3. Check Agree for the terms of service.
  4. Click Register.
  5. A confirmation is email is sent to the newly registered account. Click the link in this confirmaiton email to finalize registration.

Confirmation Email.

If the confirmation email link is not clicked, the registration is not complete, and the user cannot log in. 


Proofpoint Encryption services password reset (PPS, Enterprise users)

Account Registered

From the account registration, the original Recipient Address needs to be registered before a password reset can be done. If no password reset was sent, the recipient may not have been sent an encrypted email.

There are 2 options to retrieve a password reset. Password reset by: 

  • Email OR
  • SMS

Password reset by email

  1. In the encrypted email, click the link .
  2. Enter your registered email address.
  3. Click Forgot Password.
  4. Select the email address (if applicable).
  5. Submit.

An email will be sent to your registered email. For the greatest chance of success, click the link to update your password within 15 minutes. 

Password reset by SMS

  1. In the encrypted email, click the link
  2. Enter your registered email address.
  3. Click Forgot Password.
  4. Select your mobile phone number (if applicable).
  5. Submit.

A text message will be sent to your registered mobile number. Within 15 minutes, click the link in your text message to launch your browser and initiate the password reset.

PPS customers with customer IDP

Currently there is an issue with Enterprise customers that utilize a custom IDP service and logging into:

The page will route to your custom log-on screen, and prevents access to the Proofpoint Essentials customer's encrypted email. Please contact your admin to have this escalated for review.

Proofpoint Essentials password reset

Retrieving your password is simple.

  1. Go to:
  2. Enter your registered email address
  3. Click Forgot Password.
  4. Click Continue.

An email will be sent to your registered email. Within 15 minutes, click the link to update your password.