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Proofpoint, Inc.

Threats API

The information and data accessible via this API contain Proofpoint proprietary, confidential, and/or trade secret information. Sharing or providing the information to another party without Proofpoint's express written consent is prohibited. Please review the updated Terms of Use for Proofpoint APIs. The TAP API Terms of Use can be found online at API Terms of Use | Proofpoint US.


The Threats API allows administrators to pull detailed attributes about individual threats observed in their environment.

It can be used to retrieve more intelligence for threats identified in the SIEM or Campaign API responses.

API Features

General Service Notes 

  1. All timestamps are in the returned events are in UTC.
  2. Results are returned in JSON format.


Each request:

  • MUST use SSL.
  • MUST use service credentials to authenticate to the API.
  • MUST use the HTTP Basic Authorization method.

Throttle Limits

The Threats API currently has no throttle limits.

Available Endpoints 

GET /v2/threat/summary/<threatId>
Required Parameters


A string containing a unique identifier associated with the threat in TAP Dashboard.

The threat ID can be found in SIEM API events or the URL suffix of the TAP Dashboard Threat Detail page as bolded in the example below:

Example Command in Curl

The following command assumes that PRINCIPAL and SECRET are defined environment variables. They correspond to the service principal and secret that was created on the Settings page.

curl "<threatId>" --user "$PRINCIPAL:$SECRET" -s
Results Format

The results object format is a JSON structure that contains nested objects. 




id String A unique threat ID.
identifiedAt DateTime Proofpoint identified the threat at this time.
name String The threat name
type String The threat type (attachment, url, or message text).
category String The threat category (impostor, malware, phish, or spam).
status String The threat status (active or cleared)
severity Integer The threat severity score ranges from 0-1000.
attackSpread Integer The number of Proofpoint customers that also received this threat.
notable Boolean Whether the threat is marked as notable by Proofpoint's Threat Analysts.
verticals Boolean Whether the threat is identified as vertically targeted.
geographies Boolean Whether the threat is identified as geographically targeted.
actors Array of objects The id and name of the actor associated with the threat.
families Array of objects The id(s) and name(s) of the threat families associated with the threat.
malware Array of objects The id(s) and name(s) of the malware associated with the threat.
techniques Array of objects The id(s) and name(s) of the techniques associated with the threat.
brands Array of objects The id(s) and name(s) of the brands associated with the threat.


Example Output

    "id": "029bef505d5de699740a1814cba0b6abb685f46d053dea79fd95ba6769e40a6f",
    "identifiedAt": "2020-07-21T15:30:10.000Z",
    "name": "029bef505d5de699740a1814cba0b6abb685f46d053dea79fd95ba6769e40a6f",
    "type": "attachment",
    "category": "malware",
    "status": "active",
    "severity": 20,
    "attackSpread": 62,
    "notable": false,
    "verticals": false,
    "geographies": false
    "actors": [
            "id": "6e3b86b0-a823-4ed6-8d75-db4d7ead43ba",
            "name": "TA505"
    "families": [
            "id": "cfd29eb5-544f-4ef4-920c-7c4e428931e0",
            "name": "Banking"
    "malware": [
            "id": "8faf65ef-0524-45e0-a036-d1b6e261825c",
            "name": "Ursnif"
    "techniques": [
            "id": "accc60d8-4426-4ba2-b2f5-f9ec2eb4685b",
            "name": "XL4 macros"
    "brands": [
            "id": "acasd60d8-4426-4ba2-b2f5-f9ec2eb4685b",
            "name": "DocuSign"