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Proofpoint, Inc.

Safelisting Addresses


You are looking to safelist address(es) on your own domain(s).  You are unable to enter your domain(s) or address(es) with your domain(s) into the safe sender list.  You have a outside resource that sends on your behalf that you need to safelist (e.g. external voice-mail system or docucenter).  You are looking for specific instructions on setting up a safelist filter

Solution Using the Filters tab to create a filter for the specific situation or need


Safelisting an entire domain isn't recommended as this defeats domain spoof protection.

Use safelist sparingly as this can open up a security issue should the safelisted address become compromised.

Setting up a filter to Safelist an address:

  1. Navigate to Security Settings > Email > Filter Policies.
  2. While on the Inbound tab, click New Filter.
  3. Choose a name for the filter (i.e. Safe Senders) and leave the Direction set to Inbound.
  4. Click Continue.
  5. In the Filter Logic section, choose the proper Scope for the filter:
    • If you want the filter to be applied to everyone, leave scope = <Company>.
    • If you want to target a specific individual or group of individuals, change the scope.
  6. In the If section:
    • First drop-down box: Select Sender Address from the dropdown list of options message elements.
    • Next drop-down box: Select IS.
    • Final box: Enter the full email address of the sender (e.g.

    • Spoofing from the entered address can be safe guarded against by adding additional IF conditions.  For example: if the message subject is similar with each message, add the subject text or if messages always come form a specific server, add a condition for the specific server name in the email header.

  7. In the Do section:  select <Allow> from the dropdown list of actions.
  8. On the right, in the Filter Details box, in the Description box, give a brief description of the filter's purpose.
  9. Click Save.