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Proofpoint, Inc.

Managing Retention and Legal Holds


All archived messages are retained in the Archive for at least one month from the date on which they were archived, and can be retained for a maximum of 10 years. Once that time is reached, messages are automatically removed from the Archive, unless the company-wide legal hold is in effect.

If the company-wide legal hold is not enabled, shortening the retention period may cause currently-retained messages to be removed from the Archive. 


To change the default retention period:

  1. In the Email Archive sidebar, expand Settings and click Retention.
  2. Click Manage your retention period.
  3. Using the available fields, set the Years and Months until the desired retention period is shown.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Confirm the change by clicking Save.

Legal hold

A company-wide legal hold can be used to retain all archived messages indefinitely: while the legal hold is in place, even archived messages that have reached their retention period remain in the Archive.

Disabling the company-wide legal hold will dispose of messages that are older than the currently defined retention period: use caution when enabling or disabling it.


To enable the legal hold:

  1. In the Email Archive sidebar, expand Settings and click Legal Hold.
  2. Use the Company Legal Hold slider to enable the legal hold and click Save.
  3. Select specific users to put on legal hold. Click Manage users on legal hold, select the users from the dropdown list and click Save.These users mail will ignore Retention settings and be kept indefinitely.