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Proofpoint, Inc.

Options for handling Bulk Mail

Situation You want to know what options are available for handling bulk email.
Solution Quarantine Bulk Email can be enabled to automatically quarantine email that scores high as bulk email.


What is bulk email? 

Defined: Email that is sent to a large list of recipients who have either directly or passively agreed to receive communications from the sender or senders.

The bulk email settings are to be considered as part of the overal Spam Settings. Proofpoint Essentials does not ordinarily quarantine legitimate bulk-email. In some cases however, if an email scores as both moderately spam and high on the bulk mail scale, it may be quarantined. 

To help further manage legitimate bulk mail, an organization can enable the setting 'Quarantine bulk email' which, when activated, will automatically quarantine an email that scores high as bulk mail.

This setting can be enabled at both the organization level by navigating to Security Settings > Email (expand) > Spam Settings.  Set the option 'Quarantine bulk email' to 'Yes' to flag bulk messages with a high score as spam.

Alternately, you can enable this on specific individual accounts only by going to the users profile on the 'Users; page. Opening the profile and selecting the 'spam' tab at the top.