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Proofpoint, Inc.

Delivery Notifications - Outbound Quarantined Messages

Situation The sender of an email receives an email notification for an Outbound Mail Quarantine. 
Solution The email will contain information which you can review within Proofpoint Essentials and determine if it is something that should be released from quarantine. 

Outbound Quarantine Notification

When an outbound email has been blocked for delivery, a notification email will be sent to the sender informing them that their outbound email has been blocked for delivery.

The alert notification provides the sender with a summary of the email in question, such as:

  • Sender
  • Recipient
  • Subject

Options for next action

Clicking on View Message allows the sender to login to the Essentials platform to view more message details.

If a number of alerts are received, senders can choose to suspend delivery of these alerts for a period of time, including:

  • 1 hour
  • 3 hours
  • 24 hours

With the email summary information at hand, users can login to the Essentials platform and view their own outbound log information.
They can then decide whether to release this email from quarantine, which will then deliver the email to the intended recipient.

Delivery notifications are not received by silent users. In this situation these notifications are sent to their Tech Contact.