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Proofpoint, Inc.

Campaign Results Definitions


I am confused about the Phishing campaign results.  Can you define the results for each campaign?


We display a number of metrics based on the results of each campaign. Depending on the type of campaign sent (drive-by, data entry, or attachment) the graph will differ.  The graphs below show the results of example campaigns.

Drive-By Campaign Details Graph: 

  • Sent: Total number of emails that were sent during the campaign.
  • No Response:  Emails in which only users who did not Open (view) the email or click on the link.
  • Email Opened: Emails where the user opened the email and downloaded the embedded remote images.
  • Vulnerable: Users that were found to have a third-party plugin (e.g. Flash or Java) that is out of date.
  • Phishing Link Clicked: The user clicked on the link within the campaign.
  • Phishing Link Teachable Moments Acknowledged: The user clicked on the acknowledge button at the bottom of the teachable moment affirming that they read and understood the teachable moment.
  • Multi-clicked: The user clicked on the link multiple times. This may be the same user on the same device, same user clicking on different devices, or multiple users clicking from different devices and locations. 
  • Reported: The user reported the phishing email to the admin and it was manually set as reported.
  • Bounced: Emails which are returned as undeliverable are counted as Bounced. 

Data Entry Campaign Details Graph: 

  • Sent: Total number of emails that were sent during the campaign.
  • No Response: Emails in which only users who did not Open (view) the email or click on the link 
  • Email Opened: Emails where the user opened the email and downloaded the embedded remote images.
  • Vulnerable: Users that were found to have a third-party plugin (e.g. Flash or Java) that is out of date.
  • Compromised: Users who clicked on the submit button regardless if they entered info into the form
  • Phishing Link Clicked: The user clicked on the link within the campaign.
  • Phishing Link Teachable Moments Acknowledged: The user clicked on the acknowledge button at the bottom of the teachable moment affirming that they read and understood the teachable moment.
  • Multi-clicked: The user clicked on the link multiple times. This may be the same user on the same device, same user clicking on different devices, or multiple users clicking from different devices and locations. 
  • Reported: The user reported the phishing email to the admin and it was manually set as reported.
  • Bounced: Emails which are returned as undeliverable are counted as Bounced. 

Attachment Campaign Details Graph: 

  • Sent: Total number of emails that were sent during the campaign.
  • No Response: Emails in which only users who did not Open (view) the email or click on the link 
  • Email Opened: Emails where the user opened the email and downloaded the embedded remote images.
  • Vulnerable: Users that were found to have a third-party plugin (e.g. Flash or Java) that is out of date.
  • Attachment Opened: The user clicked on the attachment to open it.
  • Attachment Teachable Moment Acknowledge: The user clicked on the acknowledge button at the bottom of the teachable moment affirming that they read and understood the teachable moment.
  • Multi-clicked: The user clicked on the link multiple times. This may be the same user on the same device, same user clicking on different devices, or multiple users clicking from different devices and locations. 
  • Reported: The user reported the phishing email to the admin and it was manually set as reported.
  • Bounced: Emails which are returned as undeliverable are counted as Bounced.