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Proofpoint, Inc.

Security Awareness Safelisting McAfee SaaS Email Security


Are the additional steps to safelist in McAfee?


Yes, there some additional steps that McAfee has provided:

  1. Login to the Control Console
  2. Select the Email Protection tab
  3. Chose Policies
  4. Click the Inbound Policies link
  5. Highlight the desired inbound policy
  6. Click Edit
  7. Select the Allow/Deny Tab
  8. Click Sender Allow
  9. Add the desired domain nameIP address or CIDR range to the Add Address box
  10. Click Add>>
  11. Select Save to accept the changes
  12. Allow 15 minutes for full replication

See Safelisting Guide for additional information.

Note: Portions of McAfee and FireEye merged and they rebranded into the combined company Trellix