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Proofpoint, Inc.

How can I check when the automated user digest was last sent?

Situation In the course of troubleshooting digest delivery issues, you want to check when the user digest was last sent. 
Solution Reviewing the Digest page will help diagnose any issues and verify delivery information.


How to check when Automated user digest Was last Sent

  1. Login to your Proofpoint Essentials portal. 
  2. If you are a partner or re-seller, navigate to Customer Management > Customers.
  3. Select the Customer you wish to manage.
  4. Click User Management > Users. 
  5. Select the user's name to manage.
  6. Navigate to Digests in the Top Menu.


Reviewing Delivery Date

Scroll down the menu until you locate "Timestamp of last Quarantine Digest check." Here you will get a report of the last time a Digest was checked and sent.


The default status will show the last automated digest reviewed and sent. This will include manual digest requests or automated, whichever is the latest.