Sender List Information via API
Situation | Is it possible to get all users including functional accounts sender list information via the API? |
Solution | Running an API command via Postman will return all sender list information. |
Proofpoint Essentials API
Using the Proofpoint API is a great resource. It is a powerful tool that Admin users can use in order to get additional information they may require.
For additional API information, check out these articles:
Getting Sender List via API
Postman is used in the following example, this is a free and easy to use API Client that will output your results in a legible format, instead of a string of text that a command line interface may product
Get Command
The GET users command is the API call that needs to be run in order to return your users sender list information.
In order for the GET command to be successful you need to provide the information as seen below.
Please remember to change the URL from the EU1 stack as listed above, to the stack your account exists on:
Results Returned
The results returned are shown below, you can see what email address, domains, IP address have been saved against each users block and safe sender lists. This also contains sender list information for functional accounts
Some information has been omitted from the results above
Powershell Script Example
This Powershell script that will capture a domain, data stack (us1, us2, us3, us4, us5, eu1) and your credentials for Proofpoint Essentials. The script will then run and capture, via the API, the sender list data and compile it into 4 .CSV files that will separate User (Blocked & Safe) Senders as well as Org (Blocked & Safe) Senders.
This script works in it's current form. Any alterations or adjustments made to this script will not be supported or eligible for troubleshooting support. This script is used for data gathering only. Proofpoint Essentials Support does not currently offer services to troubleshoot scripting solutions or script configurations. This is a working example of how the API can be utilized to get management information together for securing your customers and enabling partners with new tools for information.
Powershell Script: (To copy the script without the referencing numbers, hover over the script to get the Code View and Print Options, click on the Code View (looks like two brackets <>).
<# .REQUIREMENTS * API v1 from Proofpoint Essentials [Documentation:] * Administrator Account for Proofpoint Essentials --Organization Admin --Channel Admin .DESCRIPTION This script is intended to use the API (v1) for Proofpoint Essentials to capture and export user and organization level Sender Lists in 4 separate CSV files. .INPUTS * Proofpoint Essentials Console Credentials * Domain that you are going to get Safe Sender information from * The Data Stack that the domain resides on. This is the beginning portion of your login site: (I.E. -- us2 would be the stack.) .OUTPUTS * This will output 4 files in the System Drive of your computer. These files will be located in the following folder: ** (SystemDrive, C for example) C:\Temp\SenderListExport\\ * Files Generated from this script ** UserSafeSenderList.csv ** UserBlockedSenderList.csv ** OrgSafeSender.csv ** OrgBlockedSender.csv .NOTES Version: 1.0 Creation Date: 4/8/2021 .DISCLAIMER This script works in it's current form. Any alterations or adjustments made to this script will not be supported or eligible for troubleshooting support. This script is used for data gathering only. Proofpoint Essentials Support does not currently offer services to troubleshoot scripting solutions or script configurations. This is a working example of how the API can be utilized to get management information together for securing your customers and enabling partners with new tools for information. #> #Establish global parameters that will be used throughout the script. $Global:params = @{ Domain = "" Stack = "" StackList = ('us1','us2','us3','us4','us5','eu1') Headers = "" Method = 'GET' Body = "" SMTP = "" ContentType = 'application/json' FolderName = "" } # This funciton will capture and prepare your credentials for the Proofpoint Essentials API. function Snag-Creds { $domain = $Global:params.Domain $Creds = Get-Credential -Message "Enter your Credentials for Proofpoint Essentials." $headers = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String],[String]]" $headers.Add("X-User",($Creds).UserName) $headers.Add("X-Password",($Creds.GetNetworkCredential()).Password) $Global:params.Headers = $headers } # This function will take the parameters collected in the main script and use them to cycle through # the sender lists for the organization and each user within the provided domain. function Check-SafeSenderLists ($Pdomain) { $targetStack = $Global:params.Stack $targetDomain = $Pdomain $targetCompanyUsers = "https://$$targetDomain/users" $targetCompanyOrg = "https://$$targetDomain/" $AllDomainCheck = '*@' $UserResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $Global:params.Headers -Uri $targetCompanyUsers -Method Get $OrgResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $Global:params.Headers -Uri $targetCompanyOrg -Method Get ## Export User Safe Sender $ExportFolder = "$ENV:SystemDrive\Temp\SenderListExport\$Pdomain" $UserSafeSenderList = "$ExportFolder\UserSafeSenderList.csv" $UserBlockedSenderList = "$ExportFolder\UserBlockedSenderList.csv" $UserSafeSender = @() $UserBlockedSender = @() IF (!(Test-Path $ExportFolder)) {New-Item $ExportFolder -ItemType Directory -Force} Write-Output "`nProcessing your request now..." ## Exporting MULTI HashTable #Safe Sender Expansion for Users foreach ($item in $UserResponse.users) { $primary = $item.primary_email foreach ($WL in $item.white_list_senders) { $SafetyTest = $null IF ($WL -eq $primary) {$SafetyTest = "match"} IF ($WL -match '\*\@' -and $SafetyTest -eq $null) {$SafetyTest = "domain"} switch ($SafetyTest) { "match" {$UserSafeSender += @([pscustomobject]@{PrimaryEmail=$primary;Entry="$WL -- WARNING: Self-Safe Listed Email Address"});break} "domain" {$UserSafeSender += @([pscustomobject]@{PrimaryEmail=$primary;Entry="$WL -- WARNING: ALL Domain Email marked as Safe Sender"});break} default {$UserSafeSender += @([pscustomobject]@{PrimaryEmail=$primary;Entry="$WL"});break} } } foreach ($BL in $item.black_list_senders) { $SafetyTest = $null IF ($BL -eq $primary) {$SafetyTest = "match"} IF ($BL -match '\*\@' -and $SafetyTest -eq $null) {$SafetyTest = "domain"} switch ($SafetyTest) { "match" {$UserBlockedSender += @([pscustomobject]@{PrimaryEmail=$primary;Entry="$BL -- WARNING: Self-Safe Listed Email Address"});break} "domain" {$UserBlockedSender += @([pscustomobject]@{PrimaryEmail=$primary;Entry="$BL -- WARNING: ALL Domain Email marked as Safe Sender"});break} default {$UserBlockedSender += @([pscustomobject]@{PrimaryEmail=$primary;Entry="$BL"});break} } } ## Export ORG Safe Sender List $OrgSafeListLog = "$ExportFolder\OrgSafeSender.csv" $OrgBlockedListLog = "$ExportFolder\OrgBlockedSender.csv" $OrgSafeSender = @() $OrgBlockedSender = @() ## Exporting MULTI HashTable #Safe Sender Expansion for Users $MainDomain = $OrgResponse.primary_domain foreach ($OWL in $OrgResponse.white_list_senders) { $OrgSafetyTest = $null IF ($OWL -match '\*\@') {$OrgSafetyTest = "domain"} switch ($OrgSafetyTest) { "domain" {$OrgSafeSender += @([pscustomobject]@{PrimaryDomain=$MainDomain;Entry="$OWL -- WARNING: ALL Domain Email listed as Safe Sender"});break} default {$OrgSafeSender += @([pscustomobject]@{PrimaryDomain=$MainDomain;Entry="$OWL"});break} } } foreach ($OBL in $OrgResponse.black_list_senders) { $OrgSafetyTest = $null IF ($OBL -match '\*\@') {$OrgSafetyTest = "domain"} switch ($OrgSafetyTest) { "domain" {$OrgBlockedSender += @([pscustomobject]@{PrimaryDomain=$MainDomain;Entry="$OBL -- WARNING: ALL Domain Email listed as Blocked Sender"});break} default {$OrgBlockedSender += @([pscustomobject]@{PrimaryDomain=$MainDomain;Entry="$OBL"});break} } } } $UserSafeSender | Export-Csv -Path $UserSafeSenderList -NoTypeInformation -Force $UserBlockedSender | Export-Csv -Path $UserBlockedSenderList -NoTypeInformation -Force $OrgSafeSender | Export-Csv -Path $OrgSafeListLog -NoTypeInformation -Force $OrgBlockedSender | Export-Csv -Path $OrgBlockedListLog -NoTypeInformation -Force #Open Explorer Window with new files inside. Invoke-Item $ExportFolder } # This script will begin with a clean Powershell Window and walk through the credentials capture. cls Write-Output "Enter your credentials for Proofpoint.`n" Snag-Creds # This will enable you to select the domain that you wish to get information from. $TargetDomain = Read-Host -Prompt "Which domain are you going to pull sender lists from" # This is a security check which will only accept appropriate data stacks that we currently use. $Global:params.Stack = $null do { $Global:params.Stack = (Read-Host "Which data stack are you accessing? (us1,us2,us3,us4,us5,eu1)").ToLower() } while ($Global:params.Stack -notin $Global:params.StackList) # This will execute the main program and generate the files within the selected directory. Check-SafeSenderLists -Pdomain $TargetDomain