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Emails with ***UNCHECKED*** in Subject

Situation You have received an email with ***UNCHECKED*** in the Subject Line.

Email Subjects are prepended with this tag if the attachment is undecipherable.

For example: If the attachment is zipped & password protected.


***Unchecked*** Subject Tag

If you receive an email with a .zip attachment, the subject might be prepended with ***UNCHECKED*** in your Inbox:

unchecked_email (2).png

You will also be able to see this in the Detailed Email Log Entry in your Proofpoint Essentials Logs:

unchecked_log (2).png


If the email contains a zip file which is password protected, then the Proofpoint Essentials engine will have no way to check the compressed attachment for malicious content. The ***UNCHECKED*** tag is prepended as a warning that the system was unable to analyze the attachment.  

Note: Just because an email has the ***UNCHECKED*** tag prepended does not necessarily mean it is spam. The email itself is still processed and analyzed against the system's spam definitions and other engines.  

Quarantine Password Protected Zip Files

If you do not want to receive emails with password protected .zip files, you can create a Custom Filter to quarantine them. To do so, create an Inbound Custom Filter with the logic below.

IF Attachment Type IS Undecipherable attachments*
DO Quarantine


*Undecipherable attachments can be found in the Other section of Choose Attachment Types
