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General Failure Message in Outlook when trying to use the Digest

Situation Users receive a General Failure Message in Outlook when receiving their digest.
Solution Set your desired browser as default in the control panel per the below steps.


 Failure Message in Outlook relating to the Digest

This error occurs when a End-user is using outlook when receiving their digest. The End user clicks on the link to release the message and they get the following error: 

General Failure. The URL was:*. Application not found

PC World Author Rick Broida found the solution talking to a Microsoft Representative about this issue "the problem arises when various applications corrupt the default http:// protocol handler registration. Thus, fixing it is fairly easy."

To fix this issue: 

  1. Navigate to Start > Control Panel.
  2. Select Program then Default Programs > Set your default programs.clipboard_ed2c875edd020b4277f3e91a1ddcbe182.png
  3. Find the browser you prefer to use.
  4. Click Set this program as default.clipboard_e98ab0256b0f9eec3c1101488e4b23285.png
  5. Click Ok.

It is recommended, but not required, to restart your computer after this change.