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Proofpoint, Inc.

About Email Archive

Proofpoint Essential's Email Archive helps protect organizations from legal liabilities and regulatory risks, while improving email storage management and end-user productivity. Email messages are stored in a centralized Archive accessible from a web browser. Designated users can access the Archive in order to search for and read the full history of their email communications, or retrieve past communications and forward them to others.  You can also export specific messages or all messages if needed.

Other Hosted Email Services (e.g. Google Workspace--formerly known as GSuite) are not supported in Essentials Archive.


Proofpoint Essentials Email Archive is available in both US and EU regions. 

Archiving Process

Email communications are collected using one of these methods:

  • Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), which connects to a customer location to access and pull journaled email.
  • Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), which sends email to an external SMTP address.

Both of these methods leverage Microsoft Exchange's Journaling feature. When enabled, journaling ensures a copy of all internal, outbound and inbound email is captured. This includes the original email's content, as well as additional information (e.g sender, recipients, CC/BCC and group membership).

Once data is captured, content is extracted and stored within Proofpoint's Cloud infrastructure. Data remains under management until it is disposed according to a customer's retention setting. Archived data is encrypted at rest using unique per-customer encryption keys.

Key Features





Apply retention policy to archived email.

Audit Trail

All configuration changes and user activities are audited.

Legal Discovery  


Fast, self-service search enables real-time insight.

Self-Serve Export

Export search results to ZIP.

Legal Hold

Reduce risk by implementing enforced preservation of email.

End-user Access  

Intuitive user interface

End users can easily retrieve archived content via a web-browser.


End users can search their personal archive.

Saved Searches

End users can save search criteria in order to repeat search at a future date.


User Permissions

Assign additional administrative and discovery archive access permissions to users.

User Sync

Users and groups can be synced via Active Directory (AD) Sync or Azure AD Sync tools.

Supported Exchange Versions

Exchange Version



Exchange 2010



Exchange 2013



Exchange 2016



Office 365

