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Proofpoint, Inc.

FAQ: Exchange/Microsoft 365 hybrid migrations

Situation Migrating from on prem Exchange to an Microsoft 365 solution. Mail is currently in a hybrid configuration.
Solution Here are some frequently asked questions about Microsoft's hybrid while migrating from on prem exchange to Microsoft 365.

Office 365 / O365 has been rebranded as Microsoft 365.

Frequently Asked questions

Can Proofpoint Essentials direct emails to both Exchange and Microsoft 365?

Proofpoint Essentials can only send to one destination. It is best to send it to Exchange and have emails redirected from there.

Which import users option should I use, Active Directory or Azure?

This will depend on which one has the full users list for your company.

I am getting an NDR for relay access denied on a user already migrated to microsoft 365. How do I prevent that?

A connector will need to be set up in Exchange so emails redirected to the migrated mail box go directly to Microsoft 365 and not be sent back through Proofpoint Essentials.