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Proofpoint, Inc.

Proofpoint Essentials Social Media Account Protection

Situation What is Social Media Account Protection? How do I enable Social Media Protection.

Answers to questions related to Social Media Account Protection, including:

  • What is Social Media Protection
  • What Does it Do
  • How Does it Benefit Me
  • How to Sign-up


What is social media account protection?

Social Media Account Protection provides advanced protection for your branded social media accounts. It works on major social networks including Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube

What does it do?

Social Media Account Protection enables you to automatically remove malicious or inappropriate content, prevent unauthorized publishing, and enforces compliance policies.

What it means to you?

The tool can help your company monitor and prevent unintentional or malicious posting on social media accounts. It can identify portential security threats and stop them real time.

How to sign up and what to expect

You can get started by going to Administration > Account Management > Features tab and checking the box for Enable Social Media Account Protection then click SAVE. You should receive an email within 24 hours of enabling this feature. If after 24 hours and you do not receive the email please contact