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Proofpoint, Inc.

Error Releasing Email from Quarantine Digest

Situation I receive an error when releasing an email from digest report
Solution To resolve this  please generate a new digest from the User Interface or wait until a new digest is delivered. Once a new digest has been receive you will be able to release an email without the above error.


Error releasing from digest report

When releasing an email from quarantine digest report I am presented with the following error:

User does not exist or is invalid.

To resolve this  please generate a new digest from the User Interface or wait until a new digest is delivered. Once a new digest has been receive you will be able to release an email without the above error.

generate a new digest As an admin

  1. Login to your Proofpoint account.
  2. Navigate to Administration > User Management > Users.
  3. Search and find user.
  4. Click on the user's name.
  5. Click Digests at the top of the page.
  6. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Send Digest.

This will send a new digest report

If you would like to generate a new digest for all messages in the past 30 days in order to have fresh links, set the following option to No (from the Digests page): Only include messages quarantined since the last Quarantine Digest was sent. Then run the above steps and then change this back to Yes.


Generate a new digest as a User

An End-User (role) can generate a new digest via the UI.

  1. Login to your Proofpoint account.
  2. Navigate to Administration > Digests.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Send Digest.

The generated digest will be based off the settings on the page.