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Proofpoint, Inc.

How to disable Quarantine Digest for Functional Accounts in bulk

Situation You want to disable Quarantine Digest for Functional Accounts without doing it one at a time, account by account.
Solution Disable report for All Users and Functional accounts, then re-enable report only for the users.


Because Digest reports cannot be disabled in bulk for Functional Accounts, they would need to be disabled for all Users and Functional Accounts first, and then re-enabled only for the Users. This would leave the report enabled for all Users as before and disabled only for Functional Accounts.

Digest reports can be enabled/disabled one by one basis for Functional Accounts. 

The configuration digest KB shows you where to set this.

Digest configuration

Our standard set-up configuration is found here: Enabling User Digests

To ensure that only users receive digests and not functional accounts, there are  processes involved.

Bulk disable for the entire account

To bulk disable the Quarantine Digest for Functional Accounts use the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Account Management > Digests.
  2. Change the option Receive Quarantine Digests to No.
  3. Check the option Update Quarantine Digest settings for all existing user accounts.
  4. Click Save.

Your global settings set in the digests will be inherited in the next step if not set.

Bulk enable digests for users

Use this process to re-enable digests only for users.

  1. Navigate to User Management > Users
  2. Click Mass Update Users.
  3. Set Receive Reports to Yes.
  4. Optional - if these are not changed, they inherit the global settings
    • Report only if new messages
    • Interval between report checks
    • Digest delivery start time
  5. Check the option Apply changes to all users accounts.
  6. Click Update Users.

Once the above steps are completed, you can check that the option Enable digests for user under the digest tab for a particular Functional Account is set to No.

KB Last Reviewed: 2021-08-10