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Proofpoint, Inc.

How to Create a Customer Template

Situation You want to create a custom template to make it easier to setup your customers.
Solution See below for how to create a new template and how to edit your new or existing templates.


When adding a new customer to your channel account, you can create a custom template to make it easier to set your customer up the way you want.  Creating the template is the first step, editing the template to your preferred values is the next step.

Templates are based off of the package you choose. You may want to consider creating a template for each package

Templates can only be applied on new customer creation, and not after it exists. All settings would have to be manually changed after creation.

Create New Template

Here you can create a new custom template:

  1. Navigate to Administration > Customer Management > Customers > Templates
  2. Click New Template.
  3. Give the template a name
  4. From Package dropdown, select the desired package.
  5. Click Create Template.

You will be taken back to the Templates page with a list of all templates. To edit your new template, continue below.


Edit Templates

The settings here will be the default values inherited by the customer, which in turn passes down to the users.

  1. Find your template and click the Pencil icon to the right.
  2. You can now configure your client's default configuration. You can configure:

Note: While editing you can also change the template by selecting the Dropdown menu on top.

  1. Click Done Editing (at the top) once you’ve finished editing the template.

Once a template is saved and used during creation, these will be the default values assigned to the settings for the customer, and inherited by the users once created.