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Proofpoint, Inc.

Temporarily Disable Notification Email Alerts

Situation You received an email alert of an email being blocked outbound or an alert notice from a triggered filter.
Solution You can temporarily delay notices to avoid cluttering mail notices.


This alert is specifically for an outbound email quarantine notification. 

This notification follows the customization alert notification.

  • Silent Users are not notified, the tech contact is.
  • Other users will get the notification.
  1. Open and review the email alert you have received. 
  2. Click on the link that aligns to the length of time for which you want to suspend delivery of system alerts:
    • 1 hour
    • 3 hours
    • 24 hours

Example of the notice at the bottom of the email alert:


The system will disable the delivery of system alerts of the same type as selected in step 1, for the time period selected.

System alerts for other reasons may continue to arrive.